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Library Renovation Minutes 10/16/2008
OCTOBER 16, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 AM in the Community Room at the Avon Free Public Library by Chairperson Diane Hornaday.  Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Secretary David Goldsholl, Scott Boos, Diane Carney, Barbara Leonard, and Janet Stokesbury.  Member absent: Tad Kuziak.  Also in attendance were Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson, Architect Peter Wells, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Assistant Library Director Donna Miller, Treasurer of the Friends of the Library Tom Mitchell and Avon Library Board of Directors President Mary LaBelle Suter.

David Goldsholl motioned, Barbara Leonard seconded, and all agreed to accept the September 17, 2008 minutes as presented.

Chairperson Diane Hornaday introduced the committee members to the audience guests Mary Suter and Tom Mitchell.  She explained the reason for the meeting was to discuss the recent news on NPR and the newspaper regarding the tabling of the Library project.  Friends of the Library Treasurer Tom Mitchell expressed his outrage after attending the Town Council meeting in which they decided to delay the renovation project's referendum.  He was pleased with the Town's recent re-financing and asked if someone could put a spin on this as a positive in the newspaper.  Everyone had worked so hard that is was time to stop the negativism and push the positive aspects of the Town.

Avon Library Board of Director President Mary LaBelle Suter spoke about her concerns over the uncertainty of the project and her fundraising efforts.  She said people are feeling less wealthy with less discretionary income with the current market losses.  She is continuing to do the leg work but that many things needed to be in place before the Board could launch a fundraising campaign.  Ms. Suter wants this to be done professionally, with correct information in place.  

Janet Stokesbury felt that perhaps the committee had not been vocal enough about the positive responses received from the town's people, that maybe this information could still help push for the referendum.  Diane Carney said there was an element in town that does not want the Library project as they object to spending the money.  She suggested "packing" the next Town Council meeting, perhaps as the teachers' union had for the topic of health insurance at the last Board of Education meeting.  Supporters could start a grassroots effort through e-mails, perhaps these kinds of efforts could change the Town Council's decision.  Secretary David Goldsholl agreed with Ms. Carney, to find out what number they're afraid of rather than emotion being the strength of the argument.  If it came in under the cap, then support it.  Mr. Goldsholl would like to show where the pressures are in the budget and what is available for capital spending this year, thus where can we create room for spending.  He feels they should not be basing opinion on "fear" alone but looking at numbers and budget, showing the numbers and the impact.  There still is enough value to the community even with the cost.

Architect Peter Wells added that the current economic climate was actually good for projects because more contractors were looking for work which would make for more competitive bids.  Mr. Boos agreed.  Ms. Robinson questioned whether a good construction time or sound finances could overcome the Town Council's feeling that the general populace would not be willing to pay for a project they felt was unnecessary when they were feeling so stressed in their own personal budgets.

Chairperson Diane Hornaday told of her conversation with John Carlson regarding her disappointment with the articles and not being told beforehand.  Mr. Carlson told her if anyone had any questions to call him as he is as all Council members are in the phone directory.  She also appreciated the communication in the group and the need to speak with one voice. Ms. Hornaday was there for the BAN sale and spoke to Dennis Dix and Tom Harrison.  The interest rate came in at 2.4% for the total amount.  She explained that Town Manager Philip Schenck, Jr. has repeatedly asked the Town Council to put monies into the undesignated fund balance rather than using them for operating expenditures; that a low balance can put the Town's AAA bond rating into jeopardy of being lowered.  She said the Town Council has this in the back of their minds also and they are anxious in taking on more fixed costs for the town and that they are not opposed to the project.  She wanted the committee to keep this in mind when discussing how to proceed.  Diane Carney is concerned the building committee is not being kept in the loop.  

Ms. Robinson clarified some of the issues.  The next hurdle will be next fall for ratings from the two rating agencies Moody's and Standard and Poors and will the Town be able to hold onto the AAA rating.  Mr. Dix's model has the Library project and its amount in it as well as three other smaller projects.  She can e-mail Dennis Dix's handout which shows the principal and interest for this project over the period of years.  Ms. Stokesbury added that the upcoming budget will be brutal whether or not the project passes.  Mr. Mitchell is concerned what impact the increased cost of the project on the budget will have on the taxpayer.  

Peter Wells said the State Grant was looking good.  Library Director Virginia Vocelli spoke to her State Library contact regarding the grant.  She said the clock does not start ticking until the State Bonding Commission meets (possibly January 2009) which she believes will be delayed.  You then have eighteen months to start construction with a possible two one-year extensions.  The contact told Ms. Vocelli this was a very good year to apply for the grant.  Mr. Wells said the money is reserved once approved until you are eligible to draw it down.  The referendum is for the total amount.  Mr. Wells reminded the committee that they wouldn't get the money until 50% of the project was done with another 25% at a later point and 25% at completion - it's not in your bank account, you earn it as the project progresses.

Chairperson Diane Hornaday suggested developing a report (factual) for submission to the Town Council.  The members are a committee helping the Town Council make a decision.  She wants the committee to be prepared. She wants to be proud to present a "sterling" report. She knows the Town Council will not be enthused about a referendum that will not pass, that it's better to postpone than fail.  She'd like to include Tad Kuziak's e-mail regarding the financial piece which was passed around. Ms. Robinson volunteered to put this together.  She'd like the committee to have the information to her by October 29th. The next building committee meeting will be November 5, 2008 at 6:30 PM.  The next Town Council's meeting is November 10, 2008.  They will vote to set the referendum date at the January 8, 2009 meeting.  Blythe will need the informational brochure mailing in people's hands by this meeting.  

Barbara Leonard motioned, David Goldsholl seconded, and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 AM.

Recorded by:                                            
                                                        Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person


                                                        David Goldsholl, Secretary